
Smartphone Based Authentic Learning Design Model by Paying Attention to the Characteristics of Learners in Increasing the Ability to Write, Communicate, and Learners' Creativity
1Dr. Drs. Achmad Noor Fatirul, ST., M.Pd., 2Drs. Djoko Adi Walujo, ST., MM., DBA

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Designing learning is oriented towards real / authentic things, to be synergized with the information structures that students already have. Everything related to information / messages to be conveyed is always associated with real experiences or events in the field which will give students more challenges to be able to find out more about what they already know and even experience. The message / information to be conveyed is of course not only done face-to-face, but also by using learning media. Communication media that are easy to use and fun and can be done at any time are the main part of this research design. Today, smartphone media is no longer a luxury item and is even a necessity for every individual. This learning design uses a smartphone as a communication tool between learners and learners, between learners and learners, and between learners and other learning sources. This research will facilitate learners' willingness to learn by considering the characteristics of the learners and the ease with which learners participate in the learning process, so that the learning process will not be boring and have fun. Other characteristics in this study will be considered such as achievement motivation and learning styles.

This research is a type of development research that refers to the development research steps of Borg & Gall (2003). Meanwhile, the steps in developing a learning design model refer to the Dick & Carey (2001) development design.

The results of product validation found that the attractiveness of the learning design model presentation program for students was found to be 90% said it was feasible, the relevance of the material studied said 95% said it was feasible, the benefits of smartphone application media and the material studied said 95% was feasible, the suitability of the material being studied with easy access to the material says 90% feasible, and Communications in online tutorials by learners say 95% feasible.

The conclusion obtained after the implementation in the field is that authentic learning products can be used by lecturers and teachers in designing learning at schools and colleges


Authentic Learning Design, Smartphone, Student Characteristics, Communication Ability, Writing Ability, Creativity.


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