The Effect of Teacher Academic Competence and Principal Supervision on the Professional Duties of Teachers Mediated by Work Commitment of Public Elementary School Teachers in Kapuas Timur Sub-Districts
1Muhammad Ilham Ramadhan, 2Sulaiman,3Muhammad Saleh
1,2,3Master of Educational Administration, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin 70123, Indonesia

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This study aims to describe and analyze the effect of teacher academic competence and principal supervision on the professional duties of teachers mediated by work commitmentThis study uses a quantitative approach with descriptive methods and multiple linear regression analysis. Sampling used proportional random sampling so that a sample of 122 teachers was obtained. Data were analyzed using path analysis and Sobel test with the help of SPSS for Windows software The results showed that: (1) The description of the Academic Competence, Principal Supervision, Work Commitment, and Professional Duties of Teachers was in a fairly high category, (2) Academic Competence had an effect on Professional Duties of Teachers, (3) Principal Supervision had an effect on Professional Duties of Teachers, (4) Work Commitment had an effect on Professional Duties of Teachers, (5) Academic Competence had an effect on Work Commitment, (6) Principal Supervision had an effect on Work Commitment, (7) Work Commitment is the Mediator of the Effect of Academic Competence on the Professional Duties of Teachers, (8) Work Commitment is the Mediator of the Effect of Principal Supervision on the Professional Duties of Teachers of Public Elementary School Teachers in Kapuas Timur Sub-Districts


cademic competence, principal supervision, work commitment, professional duties of teachers


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