Research Management and Productivity: Basis for Research Policy Development Plan
Roger G. Sulayao
Northern Iloilo polytechnic State college estancia iloilo5017.phillipines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i2-11

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This study aimed to determine the level of research management in terms of organizational structure, research guidelines, capability building, credits and incentives, linkages and extension, utilization and dissemination and the research productivity in Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College (NIPSC) for the past three years (2015-2018) as basis for the development of the research policy plan. This study employed the descriptive-correlational method using the one-shot survey design. The respondents were the 116 purposively-selected faculty of NIPSC. Data were gathered using the validated and reliable researcher-made survey questionnaires and analyzed using the descriptive and inferential statistical tools such as Frequency Count, Mean, tests, the t-test for Independent Samples, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Pearson-r. The hypotheses of the study were rejected and/or accepted at the 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that the level of research management in NIPSC in terms of organizational structure, research guidelines, capability building, credits and incentives, linkages and extension, utilization and dissemination was very satisfactory. The research productivity was low. Respondents who have conducted more researches have higher research productivity. No significant differences were observed in the research management when classified according to sex and number of researches but high significant differences when classified as to academic rank and marital status. Moreover, no significant differences in the research productivity when the classified according to sex, academic rank, and marital status while high significant difference were observed as to the number of research conducted. The research management was not significantly related to the research productivity. A research policy development plan to increase the research productivity of NIPSC was proposed.


Research Management, Productivity, Research Policy, Development Plan


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