May 2022

VOlUME 05 ISSUE 05 MAY 2022
The Organizational Effectiveness Model for Quality Improvement of Madrasah: A Case Study of State Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Indonesia
Muhamad Isrofil
Universitas Jambi, Jambi Indonesia

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The present study aims to comprehend what enables Madrasahs at MTSN in Jambi City to be effective by developing a substantive theory of school effectiveness that can be applied to schools that have not been effective in managing education under the same conditions to achieve effectiveness. The Sequential Exploratory Design of mixed method is applied in this study. The methodology begins with the first phase namely collection and analysis of qualitative data. Thus it followed by the second phase namely collection and analysis of quantitative data which construct based on the interview result selected through purposive sampling. The participants of qualitative method consist of teachers, school principals, and committees. Meanwhile for the qualitative method the participants consisted of ± 266 teachers. The result elaborated the Madrasah organizational effectiveness model for improving school quality was the most important, namely collaboration and communication, vision and goals as well as conformity with standards were the main or determining factors in realizing madrasa effectiveness in the context of Jambi City. Implications of findings are implies for the stakeholder of Madrasah. Recommendations were made to increase efforts to make public Madrasah in Jambi City more effective.


Effective Schools, Madrasah, Mixed Methods, School Quality


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VOlUME 05 ISSUE 05 MAY 2022

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