July 2022

VOlUME 05 ISSUE 07 JULY 2022
Training Quality Management and Management of Teacher Training: an Overview of Research Initiatives in Vietnam
1Quynh- Nguyen Hoang Thao, 2Hai-Hoang Nam,3Nguyen- Thang The
2Faculty of Primary Education, The University of Danang, University of Science and Education
3The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Science
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i7-76

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Training quality in general, and training quality management in particular, play a critical role in educational growth, representing not only the current level of educational development but also serving as the foundation for future educational development. This article employs the process of document review for training quality management and documents pertaining to the quality of teacher training in Vietnam. The findings show that training quality and training quality management, as well as teacher training quality management, have several techniques, forms, and content and that there are numerous aspects that can impact training quality. Training quality management or training quality assurance As a result, further research is required to increase not just awareness of training quality but also training quality.


training quality, training quality management, Vietnam education.


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VOlUME 05 ISSUE 07 JULY 2022

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