September 2022

The Correlation between Principal Transformational Leadership, Work Ethic, And Work Motivation on Teacher Performance at State Junior High Schools in Banjarmasin Timur
1Widya Pratiwi,2Wahyu,3Aslamiah
1,2,3Master of Education Administration Program, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin 70123, Indonesia

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Performance is the process of doing a job seen from the skills, abilities or competencies used to achieve the level of success in carrying out tasks. It is also the ability to achieve goals that have been set. Meanwhile, work achievements are goals that have been achieved by someone. Teacher performance is a determining factor in achieving educational goals. This study aims to analyze the direct and indirect effect of the principal transformational leadership, work ethic and work motivation on teacher performance. This research study uses a descriptive correlational research with path analysis. The research sample was 149 people. Data collection was carried out using an instrument consisting of transformational leadership of school principals as many as 36 items, 40 items for work ethic aspect, and 43 items work motivation which have been tested for validity and reliability using a correlation test while teacher performance is measured through PKG. The research data were analyzed using path analysis to find the direct and indirect effects between variables by first conducting the normality, linearity, and homogeneity tests. The results showed that there were direct and indirect effects between the principal transformational leadership, work ethic , and work motivation on teacher performance.


principal transformational leadership, work ethic, work motivation, teacher performance.


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