Urgency of Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the Era of Economic Globalization
1Kasmawati,2I Gede AB Wiranata
1,2Faculty of Law, University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i1-14

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This research is to examine the Urgency of Protecting Intellectual Property Rights in the Era of Economic Globalization. This intellectual property right is the result of human thought or creativity which results in a creation in the fields of art, literature, science, and technology in it. Which has economic benefits. In the current era of globalization, the protection of intellectual property rights is very important, because the protection of Intellectual Property Rights is closely related to global trade at the international level. The problem that will be discussed in this study is How Is the Urgency of Protecting Intellectual Property Rights in the Era of Economic Globalization. The research method used is a normative research method with a statute approach and analyzed descriptively.


Protection, Intellectual Property Rights, Economic Globalization


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