Implementation of Madrasah Principal Academic Supervision in Increasing Teacher Pedagogic Competence: A Multi-Site Study at MTSn 2 Banjar and MTSn 3 Banjar
1Fahrurrahman,2M. Saleh,3Suhaimi
1,2,3Master in Educational Administration, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i1-43

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This study aims to find out how to plan, implement, and follow up academic supervision of madrasah principals in an effort to increase teacher pedagogic competence. The research used qualitative methods with multi-site study design on MTs Negeri 2 and MTs Negeri 3 Banjar Regency. The source of the research data was taken from research informants, namely the principal, teachers and school documentation. Data collection was conducted using interview, observation and documentation techniques. Data analysis was carried out on a multi-site basis with stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the planning of the academic supervision program has been prepared by involving teachers and forming an academic supervision team as stated in the annual work program and semester work program. The implementation of academic supervision is carried out by the principal of the madrasah with a class supervision assessment instrument which is carried out directly with observation in the classroom is carried out twice a semester. The follow-up academic supervision of the principal of the madrasah is individual directly individually or in groups delivered through the routine of meeting activities


implementation, academic supervision, pedagogic competence


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