Determinants of Lecturer Performance Through Job Satisfaction at the State Polytechnic in Jakarta and Study Programs Outside the Main Campus (PSDKU) in Indonesia
1Mochamad Yunus Fitriady,2Ismuhadjar,3Alex Zami
1,2,3 Doctor Program in Management, Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i1-53

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This study aimed to test and analyze the determinants of lecturer performance through job satisfaction at the State Polytechnic in Jakarta and Study Programs outside the Main Campus (abbreviated as PSDKU) in Indonesia through the variables of Organizational Commitment, Leadership Style, and Work Motivation. The type of research used is descriptive and verification, and the research method used is an explanatory method with survey research. The research subjects were civil servant lecturers or Government employees (abbreviated as PNS), while the research objects were the State Polytechnic in Jakarta and PSDKU in Indonesia. The sample in this research was 390 people. The questionnaire instrument is based on five variables, 18 dimensions, and 68 statement items. Test the validity of the data using product moment correlation and reliability using the Spearman-Brown formula. Data analysis used descriptive and structural equation models (SEM). The results of the study concluded that the variables of organizational commitment, leadership style, and work motivation were proven to have a positive and significant effect both partially and jointly on the job satisfaction of permanent civil servant lecturers at the State Polytechnic in Jakarta and PSDKU in Indonesia, with a value of f count (7.96) > f table (2.63) and the coefficient of determination (R²) = 0.46 (46%). The variable of work motivation with the most reflective dimension is the dimension of physiological needs (PN) with a loading factor value of 0.88, especially with the salary indicator that I earn being able to meet the basic housing needs for my family (MK-2) with a loading factor value of 0.94. The variables of organizational commitment, leadership style, work motivation, and job satisfaction have been partially and jointly proven to have a positive and significant effect on the performance of permanent civil servant lecturers at the State Polytechnic in Jakarta and PSDKU in Indonesia with f count (5.24) > f table (2, 63) and the coefficient of determination (R²) = 0.84 (84%). The variable of work motivation with the dimensions of physiological needs (PN) and the salary indicator that I get can meet the basic needs of a place to live for my family (MK-2) is the most dominant variable affecting the performance of permanent lecturers as PNS State Polytechnics in Jakarta and PSDKU in Indonesia. Another important finding in the results of this study is that the job satisfaction variable only acts as a partial mediating variable.


Organizational Commitment, Leadership Style, Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and Lecturer Performance.


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