Implementation of Land Sale and Purchase Agreement Owned by Minors in Bantul Regency Indonesia
1Endang Heriyani, 2Prihati Yuniarlin
1,2Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of UMY, Brawijaya street, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i1-59

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Children as immature human beings are not capable of taking legal actions. To take legal actions children must be represented by parents or guardian. Article 48 of Law Number 1 of 1974 determines that ‘parents are not allowed to transfer rights or pawn fixed assets owned by their children who have not reached the age of 18 or have never been married, unless if the interests of the children require it’. Thus, parents may not sell, donate or guarantee the assets owned by their children unless for their children’s interests. The problem in this study is what is the basis of the judge’s consideration in giving determination as guardian so that he/she is authorized to sell the assets which are the rights of minors and how is the process of the implementation of the sale and purchase of the land rights owned to minors. The method used in this study is normative and empirical legal study. Based on the study results it is known that to sell assets owned by minors requires permission from the court. So, the guardian of the minors must first apply to the court to be designated as guardian and given permission to sell the minor’s assets. Judge’s consideration in determining a guardian and being given permission to carry out legal action selling land owned by minors is in accordance with the provisions on Article 47 paragraph (2) of Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, that parents, in this case the applicant as the mother, has the right to represent the child regarding all legal actions inside and outside the court to sell a plot of land for the purposes of daily living expenses, and the family has no objections. After obtaining guardianship determination from the court, the legal process of the sale and purchase of land rights owned by minors juridically can only be carried out before the PPAT (Land Deed Making Officer) by completing supporting documents.


sale and purchase, assets owned by children, minors, guardianship, Indonesia


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