October 2023

Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023
Biology Critical Thinking Skill on Nutrient toward Indigenous (Rujak Cingur) Based E-Worksheet: Development and Validity
1Rufiah, 2Raharjo, 3Nur Ducha
1Postgraduate, Master of Biology Education, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia
2,3Associate Professor, Master of Biology Education, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i10-05

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This research aims to (1) produce a biology e-worksheet based indigenous Rujak Cingur on nutrient (2) examine the value of feasibility of biology e-worksheet based indigenous Rujak Cingur on nutrient. This research uses 4D model. The model consists of 4 steps; (1) define, this stage aims to analysis the problem, (2) Design start to design product that will be developed according to the results of the needs in learning analysis, (3) Development, the process of creating and developing product according to design, (4) Disseminate to improve the product based on criticism and suggestions from the questionnaire responses done by respondents after using the developed product. Validity of the instrument is counted by the percentage agreement through the validation nutrient of media expert, material expert, and questionnaire responses of respondents. The results of these research and development are (1) produce a biology e-worksheet based indigenous Rujak Cingur on nutrient (2) the developed media own a high score of feasibility with a very good predicate. This shows that the developed learning media is feasible to use in learning.


a biology e-worksheet, indigenous Rujak Cingur, nutrient, research development

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Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023

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