October 2023

Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023
The connotation of equal educational opportunities and its policy implications
1Ma Yinzhi, 2Doris Padmini Selvaratnam
1,2Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i10-50

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Equal education has always been the goal of the vast number of educators. Inancient China, Confucius used the four characters "education without class" to mean "everyone has the same right to education". This article discusses the meaning of "equality" and "equal opportunities in education" and points out that "equality" means that everyone has the same right to education, thus distinguishing between "equality" and "equal opportunity". The article argues that equality is a possible equality, the essence of which is equality of equal opportunities, and at the same time an equal right. At the same time, this paper also makes some reflections on the necessity of China's current policy of equal educational opportunities.


educational opportunities, equal educational opportunities , policy significance

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Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023

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