November 2023

Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023
Intellectuals with Neutral Views in South Vietnam Towards the Policies of the Republic of Vietnam Government (1955 1960)
1Pham Phuc Vinh, 2Doan Duong Phuong Ngoc
1Saigon University, Vietnam
2Graduate students, Saigon University, Vietnam

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During the period 195 5 1960, in South Vietnam, a section of intellectuals gradually formed with a neutral viewpoint, expressing opposition to the war, desiring peace and unification of the country, and demanding Expand freedom, civil rights, and democracy. These views are pub licly expressed through political struggle activities, attracting the participation and support of a segment of society, creating a premise for the formation and development of the third force that follows. This is a force wit h a peace loving spirit, they are gathered by many forces in society, from students, celebrities, intellectuals, religious dignitaries or possibly religious leaders, the people who are participating in activities in the government of the Republic of Vietnam. The article analyzes the c ontext and political struggle activities demanding that the government of the Republic of Vietnam expand civil rights and democracy, implement the Geneva agreement , end the war, and restore peace in South Vietnam of intellectuals with neutral views during the period (195 5 1960).


South Vietnam, Third Force, Neutral ingredients, Vietnam war, Republic of Vietnam

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Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

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