November 2023

Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023
Development of Wetland Environment Based Textbooks to Improve Critical Literacy Competencies
1Jumadi, 2Faradina, 3Fatah Yasin, 4Rina Listia
1,2,3Indonesian Language Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
4English Language Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia

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Based on rankings carried out by a number of international institutions, the literacy level of Indonesian students is still below the literacy level of other countries. Based on the research results, there are a number of factors that cause this. One of these factors is the need to provide quality textbooks for critical literacy learning. However, until now there have been no good textbooks designed to improve critical literacy competencies. Therefore, research into the development of this textbook was carried out. The development of this book is based on the land environment and critical literacy. In the development process the ASSURE model was used(analyze learners; state objectives; select (methods, media, and materials); utilize materials; require learners' participation; evaluate and revise). The results of the development obtained the following findings: the validation results from material and language experts obtained an average score of 89%, which means it is very feasible; the results of media expert validation obtained an average score92% which also means very feasible; and students' literacy competence before using this book was 59.64 and after using this textbook their competence became 79.47, which means there was an increase in literacy competence by 24.95%. The implication is that the textbooks resulting from this development need to be used in language learning in schools to improve students' critical literacy competencies.


Textbooks, Wetland Environment, Competence, Critical Literacy

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Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

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