December 2023

Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023
Implementation of Chinese Traditional Sports Affecting Students’ Attitude towards Sportsmanship
Cao Jin
Emilio Aguinaldo College, Manila, Philippines

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This study aims to enhance the educational value of national traditional sports by incorporating elements of competition and entertainment. It was conducted at a selected school in Xiamen, China, involving Physical Education teachers and 292 students. A correlational design was used to quantify the implementation of Chinese traditional sports and assess students' attitudes towards sportsmanship. The questionnaire was reviewed by experts in physical education and traditional Chinese sports, and the study was conducted with permission and ethical clearance. The results showed a significant correlation between the extent of implementation of Chinese traditional sports and students' attitudes towards sportsmanship, with a significance value of.000. The study adhered to the highest ethical standards, including providing a comprehensive explanation of the study's purpose and nature.


Chinese Traditional Sports Students' Attitude, Sportsmanship, Educational Value

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Volume 06 Issue 12 December 2023

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