The Perception of Manadonese Society to the Fuzz Food
1Tien Siamando,2Johan Ferdinand Sahetapy,3Maxi Kojong
1,2,3Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i2-27

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Fuzz food is desperately needed in food defense during the post-COVID-19 pandemic. The problem that arises is: how do the people of Manado perceive fuzz food? The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method through a gastronomic linguistic approach. The naming theory (Palmer, 1976), the basic linguistic theory (1994), and the theory of meaning are used to answer this problem. The results of the study are the lingual form of fuzz food according to the perceptions of the people of Manado in the form of words, phrases, and clauses. The word consists of several names, namely Batman, Eveready, Tinutuan, and Bobengka. The phrase consists of several names, namely Kukis Harijadi Rina, Tinutuan dregs ba', Tinutuan dregs ba', Pangi Ikang, and Rica Rodo. The clause consists of stuffed pork in feathers and sweet potato gravy with bamboo shoots. Kluasa is known by several names, including Woku belanga, Asang sauce with bamboo shoots and sweet potato, and Pangi Ikang in Bulu.The meaning of "fuzzy food" and its denotative and connotative meanings The connotative meaning is Evelyn and Batman.


fuzzy food, form, and meaning.


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