MAY 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023
The Effect of Positive Work Attitudes and Organizational Culture on Employee Productive Behavior
1Adi Purmanto,2Abdul Azis Bagis,3Sri Wahyulina
1,2,3Magister Management, Mataram University, Indonesia

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Employees within the Bawaslu or general election supervisory body in the regions, including West Nusa Tenggara, must work professionally and responsibly. For this reason, a positive work attitude is needed and can build productive work behavior as expected by related parties. In addition to work attitudes, support from the internal work environment is also needed, whi ch is expected to accelerate the influence of work attitudes on forming productive work behavior. The associative method was chosen to examine the influence between the variables studied, involving all 79 Bawaslu employees on the island of Lombok. Multivariate regression analysis using organizational culture as a moderating variable. The results showed that Bawaslu employees could express only a portion of positive work attitudes. Each is a spirit of change and ethical insight that influences productive behavior. Meanwhile, after being strengthened by the work culture, employee expressions can only show a spirit of change and a spirit of confidence that has a strong influence. Thus, the challenge for related parties is encouraging Bawaslu employees to improve positive work attitudes to develop more meaningful, productive work behavior.


Work Attitude, Organizational Culture, Productive Behavior, Positiv Character


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VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023

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