MAY 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023
Legal Formulation Patient Protection in Medical Malpractice
Sri Wulandari
University of 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang, Indonesia

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Health development is directed at improving the health status of the community and the state is responsible for the provision of appropriate health service facilities and public service facilities Article 34 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution. Health efforts which were originally focused on curing sufferers have gradually developed towards comprehensive health integration so that the government is obliged to carry out health efforts that are equitable and affordable. The use of the method is intended as an attempt to approach and seek objective truth from the problems under study. Basically, a research process is t aken from theories, concepts, and views from the discovery of concrete legal principles and ends with the discovery of real and relevant legal principles. The author tries to collect library data through books and laws and regulations related to the subject matter. Legal Formulation of Patient Protection in Medical Malpractice. Doctors in carrying out their duties have noble reasons, namely trying to maintain the patient's body so that it remains healthy or trying to nourish the patient's body or at least reduce the patient's suffering. It is considered difficult to resolve issues related to malpractice while legal liability to doctors who commit malpractice is only seen from negligence, namely mistakes that are not intentional. Patient Protection Legal Formulation in Medical Malpractice. Doctors in carrying out their duties have noble reasons, namely trying to maintain the patient's body so that it remains healthy or trying to nourish the patient's body or at least reduce the patient's suffering. It is considered difficult to resolve issues related to malpractice while legal liability to doctors who commit malpractice is only seen from negligence, namely mistakes that are not intentional. Patient Protection Legal Formulation in Medical Malpractice. Doctors in carrying out their duties have noble reasons, namely trying to maintain the patient's body so that it remains healthy or trying to nourish the patient's body or at least reduce the patient's suffering. It is considered difficult to resolve issues related to malpractice while legal liability to doctors who commit malpractice is only seen from negligence, namely mistakes that are not intentional.


Formulation; Legal Protection; Malpractice


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VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023

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