JUNE 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2023
A Case of Chinese Commercial Spirit: Humanistic Buddhism in Taiwan, USA and China
Lung-Tan Lu
Fo Guang University, Taiwan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i6-07

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Humanistic Buddhism regards the Noble Eightfold Path as the core teaching of practicing Buddhism, and it is the path to guide practitioners to liberation. Business ethics is an important part of a businessperson's spirit. Business ethics refers to the moral principles and codes of conduct that should be followed in the business environment. Humanistic Buddhist ethics and businessman's spirit can promote and harmonize each other. Businessmen can practice the spirit of Buddhist ethics in business by focusing on the well-being of others, being honest and trustworthy, operating responsibly, and making charitable donations. In this case, we take Dr. Kai-Fu Lee as an example and introduce his story of being born in Taiwan, studying in the United States, and starting a business in China. From the case of Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, the important influence of Humanistic Buddhism on the commercial spirit of contemporary Chinese can be observed.


Humanistic Buddhism, Chinese Commercial Spirit, Noble Eightfold Path, Master Hsing Yun, Kai-Fu Lee


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VOlUME 06 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2023

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