JUNE 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2023
RTBF as an Effort to Establish Legal Protection for Victims of Deepfake Pornography in Indonesia
1Adinda Setyaning Putri,2Setiawan Noerdajasakti,3Faizin Sulistio
1,2,3Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i6-70

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RTBF (Right to be Forgotten) is a legal concept that allows individuals to request a removal or deletion of electronic documents or information about themselves that are inaccurate or no longer relevant. RTBF can be used as a legal basis for addressing cases of Deepfake Pornography, which involves the creation of manipulated pornographic content using Deepfake technology, where someone's face is inserted into another person's body in various media formats, such as images or videos. The current regulation of RTBF in Article 26 (3) of UU ITE is considered to have legal vague, resulting in the failure to achieve legal protection for victims of Deepfake Pornography in Indonesia. This raises the issue of the scope and limitations of the use of the Right to be Forgotten (RTBF), as well as the implementation of an adoption model for RTBF in cases of Deepfake Pornography in Indonesia. Research findings indicate that legal vague regarding the implementation of RTBF in Indonesia can be addressed by conducting a comparative study with other countries that also apply RTBF to cybercrime, including Deepfake Pornography. Indonesia is still lagging behind in detailed and clear regulations regarding the implementation of RTBF in the country, as well as in addressing Deepfake Pornography. Also, there is currently a lack of clear procedures in the UU ITE regarding the use of RTBF, and the ineffectiveness of the authorities handling Deepfake Pornography cases.


RTBF; Legal Protection; Deepfake Pornography


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VOlUME 06 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2023

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