JULY 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 07 JULY 2023
Implementation of Human Rights Protection against Victims of Severe Human Rights Violations in Indonesia's Criminal Justice System
1Dedy Kurniawan,2Joko Setiyono
1,2Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i7-20

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The study is back to back by seeing that legal protection against victims of severe human rights violations is necessary, as the weak should be effective in protecting the law. So the author was interested in doing this study that discussed how the implementation of human rights protection against victims of severe human rights violations in the criminal justice system in Indonesia, What is problematic in the study is how victims of major human rights violations are regulated in Indonesia and whether the implementation of legal protection against victims of severe human rights violations in existing regulations could provide legal protection against victims of human rights violations. The method of research used in this study is normatif juridical or search literature. Research has shown that the rights of victims of gross human rights violations in criminal justice systems are regulated in 190 penal code laws laws on criminal events, the rule 26 year 2000 on human rights on the next human rights court is governed by regulations granting protection to victims and witnesses in 2002 government regulation Number 2 year and government regulation Number 3 2002 on compensation ordinances, Restitution and rehabilitation, act Number 27 in 2004 on the commission of truth and reconciliation, and in the 2006 act Number 13 on the protection of witnesses and victims. The implementation of protection of law against victims of severe human rights violations in Indonesia has not been consistent with the current laws. Where victims' rights are not fully satisfied because of any legal obstacles such as his lack of success in proving a perpetrator in a severe human rights violation. The weakness of legal procedures that make compensating and rehabilitation to victims is difficult to realize.


Criminal Justice System, Protection of Rights, Victims Of Severe Human Rights Violations.


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VOlUME 06 ISSUE 07 JULY 2023

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