JULY 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 07 JULY 2023
The Interpretation of Male Power Relation in Elementary School Text Book in Indonesia
1I Gusti Ayu Vina Widiadnya Putri,2I Wayan Simpen,3I Nyoman Suparwa,4Ni Nyoman Seri Malini
1,2,3,4Universitas Udayana City, Denpasar 80582, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i7-64

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The purpose of this research is to analyze the elements of the discourse of men's power relations in the text. This study used data in integrated subject Indonesian textbooks of 2nd grade elementary school. In addition, textbooks are a form of research. This study uses data analysis methods along with field methods through observations and interviews. Data collection techniques are checklists, interviews and documentation of language forms in textbooks. The theory used in this research is discourse analysis theory (Dijk 1993). The results of this study show that there are elements of discourse that refer to male power relations in texts, such as microstructure, macrostructure and superstructure. Microstructure contains grammatical elements that include references, deletions and conjunctions. Context, situation and contact culture are the macro elements in the integrated subject textbooks of Indonesian primary school. Character values are implicitly described in text characters. The microstructure, macrostructure and superstructure of the data show the dominance of male power relations.


power relation, text book, discourse


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VOlUME 06 ISSUE 07 JULY 2023

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