JULY 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 07 JULY 2023
The Criminal Law Enforcement Policies in Tackling Criminal Human Rights the Review of Progressive Law Requirements
1Thoriq Aziz,2Aditya Yuli Sulistyawan
1,2Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i7-82

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This text is in the background by the large number of criminal law enforcement cases carried out by our law- enforcement officers far from the justice that the public desires, law enforcement is still glued to the text in the act and assumes that the law is in the affirmative. Surely this paradigm must be altered by our law-enforcement officers so that the process of law enforcement will fit the pancasila values with those in society. So this is what the authors are interested in discussing how criminal law enforcement policies in addressing criminal rights are reviewed in progressive law enforcement and the problem with this study is how criminal law policies deal with present human rights and how future criminal law enforcement policies have defined criminal rights Based on subtantive justice. The method used was normative yuridis (literature study). Studies that are disturbing for society are not based solely on dissatisfaction with what might be called law enforcement in a narrow sense, even a sense, that untruths, injustice, abuse of power, favoritism, practice of favoritism and so forth are necessary for law enforcement in a broader sense that is not solely the responsibility of law enforcement officers, judicial institutions, And the legal institutions of higher education, but also should be the concern and responsibility of all officers and shareholders in all aspects of life, And what is more important is that the whole component of law-enforcement officers better understand what is called a progressive law in acting in legal cases in particular against criminal rights to create justice on the basis of almighty deity and the prevailing values of a society or common, so-called substantive justice


The Criminal Law Enforcement Policies, Criminal human rights, Progressive law


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VOlUME 06 ISSUE 07 JULY 2023

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