Implementation of Inclusive Education for Early Childhood in PAUD Terpadu Inklusi Pelita Hati and PAUD Terpadu Inklusi Bina Sejahtera
1Anis Destiana Puspitasari, 2Wahyu, 3Ahmad Suriansyah
1,2,3Master of Early Childhood Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Indonesia

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This research is motivated by the phenomenon of education is not only intended for regular children but also for those who have special needs to get decent educational opportunities and services. Based on preliminary studies conducted at PAUD Terpadu Inklusi Bina Sejahtera and PAUD Terpadu Inklusi Pelita Hati, information was obtained that both PAUD have inclusive education programs. The researcher described how the implementation of the inclusion education program in PAUD. This research is a multi site qualitative research. In this study, the informants were the principal and two teachers at the school. The results of this study show that lesson plan must carry out identification and assessment so that teachers know the abilities and obstacles that children have. RPP and PPI will be given by teachers. In the implementation of learning, children with special needs will be accompanied by GPK. ABK uses learning media to support learning. All programs that will be given to the child, are known to parents. The evaluation process in ABK, must be adjusted to the child's ability.


Inclusion Education, Children with Special Needs, Early childhood Education.


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