The Influence of Determinant Factors on the Performance of Basic Education Employees at the Qurrota A'yun Ponorogo Foundation Working Period 2021-2022
1Lia Anies Winiati, 2Yogi Indra Prayuda, 3Nur Kolis, 4Nur Rohmatus SA’adah
1,2,3,4Magister of Islamic Education Management Post Graduate of IAIN Ponorogo & Address

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This study aims to analyze the multiple linear regression equation model on employee performance, the influence of Organizational Culture, Chair Leadership, and Motivation on Employee Performance at the Qurrota A'yun Ponorogo Foundation, partially and simultaneously, and describe the contribution of research related to the influence of Organizational Culture, Chair leadership, and Work Motivation on Employee Performance at the Qurrota A'yun Ponorogo Foundation. This study used a mixed method with a sequential explanatory design. Quantitative data analysis used simple regression analysis and multiple regression, while qualitative data analysis used Spradley analysis. The population in this study consisted of 70 employees of SDIT Qurrota A'yun and 17 MI Tahfizh Entrepreneur Qurrota Ayun, and 57 respondents were taken as the research sample. Data collection was carried out using instruments consisting of variables X1 (20 statements of organizational culture), X2 (leadership) (20 statements), X3 (work motivation) (22 statements), and Y (employee performance) (22 statements). The instruments used were Likert scales, while qualitative data analysis used descriptive analytic techniques and data collection through interviews, observation, and documentation. The key informants in this study began with the structural team of the institution, both at SDIT Qurrota A'yun and at MI Tahfizh Entrepreneur Qurrota A'yun. Data analysis using Spradley goes through three stages: domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, component analysis, and cultural theme analysis. The results of this study are seen from a qualitative and quantitative point of view. Quantitative and partial, organizational culture, the chairman's leadership, and organizational culture significantly affect employee performance. While qualitatively, organizational culture influences employee performance, organizational culture, the chairman's leadership, and work motivation simultaneously affect employee performance. Organizational culture makes a dominant positive contribution to employee performance compared to the leadership factor of the chairman and work motivation.


Determinant factors, Employee Performance, Basic Education

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