The Role of Infrastructure on Economic Growth in West Sumatra Province
1Asrul, 2Syofria Meidona, 3Lili Salfina, 4Della Maretha
1Postgraduate Student at Borobudur University, Jakarta Indonesia
2,3Lecturer at the University of West Sumatra, Indonesia
4Lecturer at Borobudur University, Jakarta, Indonesia

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This study aims to determine the length of roads and the amount of electricity sold partially and simultaneously against economic growth in West Sumatra province for the 2012-2021 period. This type of research is quantitative research. The data consists of road length, the amount of electricity sold as infrastructure variables and economic growth. This study uses multiple regression to analyze the impact of infrastructure indicators (consisting of road length and amount of electricity sold) on economic growth. The findings revealed that, while the amount of electricity sold had a significant impact on economic growth, the length of the road had a partial insignificant impact with a regression coefficient value of 0.632 and a significant level of 0.333 > 0.05 and the length of the road did not, with a regression coefficient value of 2.012 and a significant level of 0.020 > 0.05. Simultaneously, the variable length of the road and the amount of electricity sold affect economic growth with a significant level of 0.011< 0.05. The contribution of variable road length and the amount of electricity sold is 77.60% to economic growth while the remaining 22.40% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study. This research is expected to contribute to the government, especially in the field of Urban and Regional Planning. The result of this study is that electricity infrastructure indicators have a significant effect on economic growth indicators.


Road Length, Amount of Electricity Sold and Economic Growth


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