January 2024

Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024
Enhancing Faith Through Interfaith Dialogue: Spreading D’awah Messages on Youtube for a Deeper Understanding
1Sri Desti Purwatiningsih, 2Nursatyo
1,2Universitas Nasional, Jalan Sawo Manila No 61 Pejaten Pasar Minggu
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i01-109

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The da'wah method is a technique used by debaters, particularly Muslims and Christians, to spread the da'wah message through dialogue and debate on YouTube. The goal of this method is to help listeners and viewers of the YouTube channel understand the objectives of the da'wah message and become more steadfast in their faith, making it more difficult for them to be persuaded to change their religion. To expand their reach and engage more people in the da'wah realm, debaters employ powerful online communication tools like YouTube. The dissemination of the truth through YouTube media in interreligious discourse and debate needs to be organized methodically for the da'wah service to fulfil its mission effectively, be easily understood by the listeners, and serve as a powerful tool for bolstering people's faith. To comprehend the culture of social media users, a qualitative research strategy utilizing netnographic research tools is employed. Social media, specifically YouTube, is the culture being discussed here as a secure platform for information sharing among users. A technique for studying social media user behaviour, in this example on YouTube, is called netnography. The result of this research is debaters attempt to spread da'wah, or good deeds, by encouraging people to follow guidance and goodness and by telling them that doing good deeds will bring them bliss both here on earth and in the hereafter. A technique or path is needed to promote the right and proper comprehension, awareness, appreciation, and application of religious teachings.


Enhancing Faith, Interfaith Dialogue, D’awah, Youtube, Understanding

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Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024

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