February 2024

Volume 07 Issue 02 February 2024
The Urgency of Legal Protection of Obscenity in Indonesia
1Evy Nurinyah, 2Ahmad Irzal Fardiansyah, 3Candra Perbawati
1,2,3Faculty of Law, University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i02-61

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This study aims to examine the Urgency of Legal Protection of Obscenity in Indonesia. Sexual abuse is any form of action, whether done to oneself or done to others regarding and relating to genitals or other body parts that can stimulate sexual appetite and have a devastating impact, including psychological trauma, mental and physical health disorders, loss of trust, and stigma and discrimination. Victims can also experience impairments in social and academic functioning, even disconnection of family and social relationships. The research method used is a normative research method, using a statute approach and case approach related to the Urgency of Legal Protection of Obscenity in Indonesia. The statute approach is to examine matters concerning legal principles, legal views and doctrines, and laws and regulations related to the Criminal Act of Obscenity and can be accounted for while the case approach is an approach that is carried out to analyze, analyze and be used as a guideline for legal problems to resolve legal cases. This research uses secondary data supported by primary material and will be analyzed with analysis content. The results of this study related to the Urgency of Legal Protection of Obscenity in Indonesia can be concluded that the act of sexual immorality, especially against children, is an urgent issue and requires serious attention. Its serious repercussions, such as psychological trauma and health problems, underscore the urgency of comprehensive legal protection. This protection includes not only legal aspects, but also medical, psychosocial, and assistance support in the judicial process. The implementation of the Child Protection Law and cross-sectoral cooperation are key in providing effective and comprehensive protection for child victims of abuse.


Legal Protection, Criminal Act, Obscenity

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Volume 07 Issue 02 February 2024

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