February 2024

Volume 07 Issue 02 February 2024
Mesamsam Ceremony for the Validity of Divorce for the Krama of Kubu Traditional Village, Bangli District, Bali-Indonesia
1Diah Gayatri Sudibya 2Kadek Richa Mulyawati
1,2Fakultas Hukum,Universitas Warmadewa Denpasar,Bali-Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i02-09

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It is human nature as social creatures that every man and woman have the instinct to love each other and need each other in all areas. As a sign that someone has entered this period, it begins with the marriage process. Marriage is a sacred event and obligation for Hindus because God has said in Manava Dharmasastra IX.96 as follows: To be a mother, women were created and to be fathers, men were created. Religious ceremonies are prescribed in the Vedas to be performed by husband and wife. Such is the importance of marriage that it can only take place after various requirements specified in State law (Law No. 16 of 2019) concerning marriage according to national law and customary law (in this case Balinese customary law), are fulfilled by a series of ceremonies for both candidates. Bride and groom with the intention that the marriage can run smoothly and last forever as a husband and wife couple. However, it cannot be denied that in marriage conflicts can arise resulting in divorce between the two parties, which of course is carried out through the district court process so that a divorce certificate will be issued. Especially in Bali, namely in Kubu Bangli Village, you cannot accept only court decisions, but there are also decisions from traditional villages, namely by carrying out the Mesamsam Ceremony to legalize the divorce. So the problem formulation emerged as to what the divorce procedure is for village manners in the Kubu Bangli Traditional Village and how legal divorce is for village manners in the Kubu Bangli Traditional Village. The method used in this research is an empirical legal research method by looking at the facts that occur in the field by synchronizing the application of positive law and customary law.


Divorce, Mesamsam Ceremony, Kubu Bangli Traditional Village.

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Volume 07 Issue 02 February 2024

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