March 2024

Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024
Islamic Education Approach to Fostering Clean and Healthy Living Behaviours among Coastal Muslim Communities
1Muslimin Muslimin, 2Jamali Jamali, 3Suteja Suteja, 4Ahmad Asmuni
1Doctoral Student, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia
2Professor, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia
3,4Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Negeri Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

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An Islamic guideline and instruction that can raise the public health standard is to lead a clean and healthy lifestyle, which must be done based on awareness and will. It takes time and effort to adopt Clean and Healthy Living Behaviours (henceforth PHBS) for everyone as individuals interact and affect one another within their order of living. This research aims to determine the Islamic education approach to promote PHBS in Muslim communities living on the coast in Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia. Additionally, this research seeks to identify factors impacting religious beliefs and adopting these practices. This study employs a descriptive qualitative methodology. The research findings show that an Islamic education approach can be instilled to promote PHBS in coastal Muslim communities. The influence of the Islamic education approach that always appears in the lives of coastal Muslim communities to improve public health: first, significant others (influential people); second, social environment; third, culture; fourth, social structure; and fifth, belief system; sixth, economic conditions; and seventh, Islamic education. The driving factor is the behaviour of Posyandu (Integrated Healthcare Center) cadres, sub-district employees, religious leaders and community health centre officers who are essential. The obstacle factors in fostering PHBS are the availability of rubbish bins and the need for more awareness among the public about disposing of rubbish in its proper place, so they throw rubbish in drainage channels and the sea, and some people burn it. Waste causes air pollution, a social economy, low public education and a low understanding of the value of Islamic teaching.


Education, Islamic Education, Clean and Healthy Living Behaviours, Coastal Muslim Communities

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Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024

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