August 2022

The Effects of Different Managerial Levels on Training Effectiveness
Mohammad Tamzid
Assistant Professor, Green Business School Green University of Bangladesh

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The main focus point of this research is to look into the effectiveness of training at various levels of management. It will aid firms in developing more effective training techniques for various levels of management.
The quantitative technique is used in this study. The survey approach is used in the study to obtain data. The replies were collected using a random sampling method. Managers from various private firms in Dhaka, Bangladesh, who have undergone various training and are also involved in the training of their employees, are among the respondents. We utilized Cochran's method to determine the proper sample size for the survey. One-Way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) was used to evaluate the gathered data.
The value of F is 45.153, which has a p-value of .000 which is less than the .05 alpha level, indicating that it is significant. As a result, there is a statistically significant variation in the effectiveness of training at various levels of managers.
When developing training for the organization's various levels of managers, it's important to remember that the training's outcomes will change owing to the variances in the managers' levels. Training will undoubtedly increase the general performance of managers at all levels, but not at a very high level for top management.


Level; Manager; Training Effectiveness.
JEL Code: M1, M5


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