September 2022

The Effect of Organizational Culture and Organizational Climate Through Motivation Work towards Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Of Elementary School Teachers in Lampihong
1Sapriansyah,2Aslamiah,3Rustam Effendi
1,2,3Master of Educational Administration, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin 70123, Indonesia

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This study aims to analyze the direct and indirect effect of work motivation as an intermediary variable in the influence of organizational culture and organizational climate through work motivation on teachers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). It employed a quantitative approach using the type of correlational research with path analysis. The research population was 172 elementary school teachers in Lampihong, with a sample of 120 teachers determined by using proportional random sampling. The data were collected through questionnaires which were analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The conclusion of this study is organizational culture and organizational climate in the very high classification, while work motivation and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in the high classification. The suggestions given to the principal of elementary school teachers in Lampihong are in order to maintain OCB behavior, understanding the organization's mission and support at work, so that teachers are happy to be willing to work overtime to complete work, ready to work outside working hours, attendance at work is above standards set by the organization, and participate in education and training without being instructed.


organization, organizational climate, work motivation, Organizational Citizenship Behavior


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