September 2023

Volume 06 Issue 09 September 2023
Organizational Prowess of School Principals and Institutional Excellence
Nisrein A’yesh Alsubehat
Ministry of Education – Jordan

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This quantitative study unveils the organizational prowess exhibited by public school principals in Mafraq city and its correlation with institutional excellence. The study's sample included 350 teachers from schools in Mafraq city, Jordan, during the first academic semester of 2022-2023. The study employed a questionnaire to collect data and the Social Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).The findings of the study are as follows: (i) Institutional excellence is a fundamental requirement for administrative development aimed at elevating performance levels and accomplishing goals through the skills and abilities of teachers. (ii) The positive correlation between organizational prowess and institutional excellence is attributed to the presence of managers who can adapt to change and transition their administrations from traditional approaches to participatory methods. (iii) School principals play the most prominent role in achieving organizational prowess when they possess awareness and ingenuity in investing intellectual capital and providing an organizational climate that encourages creativity and innovation.


Institutional Excellence, Jordan, Organizational Prowess, School Principals,


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Volume 06 Issue 09 September 2023

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