January 2024

Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024
Nurturing as a Masculinity-Femininity Dimension and Performance of Multinational Corporations in Uganda
Richard Goldman Ebong
Ugar Uganda christian university,Po Box4, Mukono, Uganda
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i01-66

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This paper examined the influence of nurturing as a masculinity-femininity dimension on performance of multinational corporations (MNCs) in Uganda. Specifically, it focused on aspects of nurturing that included relationship building and negotiations as key attributes to strategic business performance. The justification for this study was that MNCs in Uganda were under-performing given that they were finding it difficult to continue running their businesses profitably to the extent that some decided to close down. A cross-sectional research design that relied on quantitative approach was employed involving 50 participants who filled in a questionnaire. Two methods of analysis involved simple regression analysis and a multiple regression analysis. Results revealed that both relationship building and negotiations had significant positive influence on performance of MNCs in Uganda. In particular, poor work relationship building and work negotiations among MNCs’ employees contributed to poor performance of MNCs in Uganda. The study recommends MNCs to align their strategic vision and mission towards nurturing to instilling employee work relationship building and negotiations toward achieving the objectives of the MNCs.


Masculinity-femininity, nurturing, relationship building, negotiations and performance

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Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024

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