January 2024

Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024
Training on Arranging Marketing Elements to Tourist Destination Managers in Ungasan Village
1Ni Made Wahyuni, 2Anak Agung Gede Oka wisnumurti, 3Kadek Goldina Puteri Dewi
1,3Warmadewa University & Faculty of Economic and Business
2Warmadewa University & Faculty of Social Science
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i01-91

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Marketing management is a tool for achieving strategic goals and is a function of all members of the organization involved in it. The problem is how to apply and organize strategic marketing elements in the organization, this is still a challenge for management. Improving the quality of marketing is an interesting theme and has been carried out in many tourist destinations in rural or urban areas, however, it still shows technical obstacles that need to be provided collaborative solutions. Assistance in developing tourism destination marketing elements is urgent to be implemented. One of them is assistance on how tourist villages are able to practice management. The aim of this service is to provide training to improve the ability to compose marketing elements with the target of increasing the level of visits and profitability of the company. Here, the Warmadewa University team carried out a series of assistance. The method uses lecture techniques to explain the concepts of marketing elements, questions and answers, practice compiling marketing elements, discussion, monitoring, evaluation and follow-up. Training activities go through several stages, namely planning, implementation, mentoring and evaluation. The training was carried out in Ungasan Village involving managers and traditional villages who were directly involved in managing tourist attractions. Based on the evaluation results, the training in compiling marketing elements showed a good level of participation. In conclusion, the results of mentoring have provided the benefit of changing mindsets and improving skills in preparing marketing elements.


Marketing elements, tourist destinations

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Volume 07 Issue 01 January 2024

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