Development of Based Biology Modules Discovery Learning to Improve Critical Thinking of Class Xi High School Student’s
1Melani Tristiana, 2Yuni Ahda,3 Syamsurizal,4 Irdawati
1,2,3,4Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia

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Critical thinking is one aspect of thinking skills that have to be developed in the 4.0 century. Critical thinking has an important role in the learning process. Students with high critical thinking skills will make a high contribution in increasing mastery of concepts. Therefore, an initial investigation was carried out by interviewing biology teachers and giving questions to students of class XI science at SMA 12 Negeri Padang. It is known that critical thinking in students is still low. One of the causes is an inadequate module. Therefore, students need appropriate modules to improve critical thinking. This type of research is development research using the Ploompdevelopment model. The model stage consists of the initial investigation, prototyping, and assessment. The research data were obtained from validity, practicality, and effectiveness tests. The results showed that the biology module that was developed according to the expert review obtained a value of 87.70% very valid category. The results of the practicality test by the teacher obtained a value of 93.97% in the very practical category and the results of the practicality test by the students obtained a score of 86.67% in the very practical category. The results of the effectiveness test of the critical thinking aspect in six categories showed a significant increase in students' critical thinking based on the N-Gain test carried out on the respiratory system. While the excretory system results in the N-Gain value of the experimental class 0.36 medium category and controls 0.30 medium categories


Development, Module, Discovery Learning, Critical Thinking


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